Mollificio Anastasia, a company that is well rooted in the territory that hosts it, has always been managed with a view to socially responsible entrepreneurship, i.e. not only particularly careful to meet the needs of the customer but also focused on managing the expectations of other stakeholders, such as staff, suppliers and the local community.
In fact, the company has long supported campaigns and initiatives promoted by various bodies, non-profit organizations and humanitarian organizations operating around the world that are close to children, women and men in difficulty.
The extremely difficult situation that the entire international community is experiencing these days, due to the spread of Covid-19, has pushed Mollificio Anastasia to play its part in the fight against this invisible enemy.
This is why the company management has decided to stand beside the daily battles that our national and local health system has to face, supporting through a donation linked to the purchase of a complete intensive care unit to be installed in the “Ferrari” hospital in Casarano.
The donation was announced to the general director of the local health authority of Lecce, Rodolfo Rollo, in a letter signed by President Salvatore Anastasia.
“Dear Dr. Rollo,
the delicate moment our entire community is facing undoubtedly takes on an extraordinary significance.
I therefore believe, now more than ever, that we must support our health care system and the incredible work that our doctors, nurses and health workers are constantly doing.
This is why I have decided, together with my children, to make available to the local health authority the sum of 40,000 euros, necessary to purchase a complete intensive care unit to be installed at the “Ferrari” hospital in Casarano.
Convinced that all together we will win this difficult battle, I await your indications on how to proceed.
Casarano, 21-03-2020
Salvatore Anastasia”
The news was announced to the local community by the first citizen of the City and reported by several media.